Get ready for JEE 2024: Success tips to master PCM

The JEE main exam is going to be conducted in 2 phases, from January 24 to February 1, 2024, and from 1 to 15th April 2024. Similarly, the JEE 2024 Advanced exam date will be on May 26, 2024. JEE aspirants are eagerly looking for tips to get a master's in PCM to crack JEE with good marks. To conquer the JEE exam with good marks in all three 3 sections, here we have mentioned subject-wise strategy. 

How to crack a mathematics paper with good marks in JEE 2024? 

 We all know JEE 2024 Advanced is a competitive exam, and mathematics is definitely a deciding factor. The more you clear your basic concepts, the better score you can acquire. Following are the necessary factors you should know about-

  • Emphasize your knowledge of Algebra, calculus, matrices, continuity, circles, vectors, and derivatives. Practice as many questions as you can from this topic and clear all your doubts.
  • Improve your conceptual knowledge by practising the NCERT mathematics book, & JEE 2024 mock test paper. Focus on comprehending the concepts rather than memorizing the formulas. Once you clear all your doubts, you can tackle all types of questions in the exam.
  • Making a list of theories & equations used in every chapter is also a smart trick to score high. Make a separate diary or notebook to write down all the crucial equations and formulas, and keep your eyes on it.
  • Practice past year sample papers & mock tests daily. Engage yourself with a variety of questions; it prepares you to solve complex questions in seconds. It also familiarizes you with the exam pattern and scores.
  • Revise the topics regularly & give your special attention towards the frequently asked questions. Avoid spending long hours on single questions because it will waste your time. It is best to ask for help from the experts if you have any doubts.
How to conquer physics JEE paper in 2024 with good marks? 

 Physics is the toughest yet scoring exam in the JEE 2024 advanced & mains exam. Being the JEE candidate, you must follow these last month's tricks to score well in the exam-

  • It is crucial to structure the right study plan & allocate dedicated time slots for understanding your strengths & weaknesses. Follow consistent & regular practice on different topics of physics.
  • The most important topics you should cover in physics are Dimensions, Doppler's effect, gauss law, electric flux, Torque, rolling & rotational motion, Angular momentum, rolling motion, lens maker formula, Radioactivity, and heat conduction.
  • Break down the syllabus in the following portions of topics and set your realistic goals. Adhere to your study plan and maintain discipline to cover all the necessary concepts.
  • Give more time to the topics in which you are weak. Give a thorough understanding of the principles and techniques to solve complex problems.
  • Refer to the previous year's question papers & reference materials. Choose the right study resources; you can refer to the Foster JEE 2024 Physics mock test paper. Utilize this course since it is free of cost and reinforces your understanding.
How do I acquire better marks in the Chemistry JEE 2024 section? 

 Chemistry is also a high-scoring section, and if you want to score high, make your concept clear by regular practicising. Follow more proven JEE 2024 Chemistry tips discussed below-

  • The 3 major sections of chemistry are Physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. Keep your basics clear in all the following 3 sections.
  • The essential chemistry chapters you must cover are Redox reactions, thermochemistry, solid-state, carbonyl compounds, chemical bonding, the periodic table, solutions & gases & concepts of equivalent.
  • Try to memorize certain topics of chemistry, such as Atomic weight, the periodic table, atomic number, etc. It will help you to foster the scope of scoring in chemistry. The major part of chemistry requires to be memorized such as certain bonds and reactions.
  • Take some time for revision of topics that have been covered among the necessary aspects of preparing for JEE 2024 Chemistry. Chemistry is a theoretical subject, so you must go back to the chapters you finished to keep it fresh in your memory.
  • Studying from different resources is also recommended. Candidates should refer to the different books, most importantly Foster JEE 2024 Chemistry mock test papers.

If you are preparing for JEE 2024, this blog is a comprehensive guide. If you want to make yourself subject-wise, then follow the above information guide. The best online resource for JEE we can suggest to you is the JEE Mains & Advanced course package designed by Foster JEE. Take a look at this course and be confident & focused.

Shradha Tripathy
A Bhubaneswar based content marketer who is passionate about sharing her views on various topics which helps in educating people.